International initiative to establish a Linked Open Data Ecosystem for the Performing Arts


A laptop shows a graph with the "Number of named entities with Artsdata URIs", in front of a constellation background.

2023-2024 was a pivotal year for the Artsdata knowledge graph. Following seven years of development, jointly led by multiple partners and parallel initiatives, former projects dia-log and Linked Digital Future have merged with Artsdata (originally stewarded by Crow’s Theatre) to form a new project. Artsdata is still operated outside of a dedicated organizational structure. However, management responsibilities have been formally delegated to CAPACOA by the Artsdata Community Group. This group acts as a governing body, consisting of data providers and data consumers. 

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The Linked Digital Future initiative (LDFI), as we have known it until now, is giving way to an exciting new project, thanks to funding from the Canada Council of the Arts and the Government of Canada’s Canada Cultural Investment Fund and Community Services Recovery Fund. A project that will continue to enhance the discoverability of the performing arts, while growing and strengthening the community surrounding the Artsdata knowledge graph. We call it the Artsdata Linked Open Data Ecosystem

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A hand holds a smartphone horizontally, displaying Google search results for “Events near me today”. An arrow points to the results, with the invitation to “Boost your digital presence so audiences can easily find your organization (and your events)”.

Calling all performing arts organizations! You are cordially invited to participate in the newest edition of CAPACOA’s Digital Discoverability Program, as part of the Linked Digital Future Initiative (LDFI) and in support of the Artsdata project.

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Tablet showing a graph of the number and sources of events in Artsdata, beside the LDFI logo and "Annual Report 2022-2023). There are abstract, interlinked diamond shapes in the background.

The Linked Digital Future initiative was launched in 2018 to promote the discoverability of the live performance sector. After just over four years, has this discoverability challenge remained just as critical? Or has increasingly advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) solved the problem for us?

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Montreal, August 21, 2019 – “What shows can I see in Montreal tonight?” This is a rather straightforward question for a human being, but much more challenging one for AI-powered search and recommendation technologies. AI first needs to be taught what types of live performances exist, and it then requires quality structured data about actual live performances. A collective of performing arts organizations is about to do just that.

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