Phase 2 of the Linked Digital Future initiative began amidst a crisis unseen before. With a performing arts sector entirely shut down, there were suddenly no live performances requiring digital discoverability. However, the fundamental needs that the LDFI had sought to address were still present. And new needs emerged.
Read moreIf you work with a performing arts organization, you might very well use WordPress for your website. And if so, you might use a common plugin for ease of managing your concerts and other events. At CAPACOA, through our Linked Digital Futures project, we are interested in how these event plugins use structured data.
Read moreCAPACOA and the Conseil québécois du théâtre initiate an international cooperation project to increase the presence of performing arts in présence des arts de la scène dans Wikidata.
Read moreAs we wrap up a busy first phase of the Linked Digital Future initiative, we’d like to share a few successes and lessons learned with the performing arts community.
Read moreOver the last year, CAPACOA and Culture Creates collaborated with the Bern University of Applied Sciences to develop a conceptual model for performing arts data. At the same time, Culture Creates was building the knowledge graph, and RIDEAU was rolling out the Scène Pro information system. The former assembles data about performances; the latter gathers data about organizations, venues and performing arts productions. What if the two datasets were interoperable and could exchange data? We tried it out.
Read moreThe COVID-19 pandemic has caused the most profound economic, social and human crisis ever experienced in the arts, culture and heritage sector. The performing arts sector – whose modes of production and dissemination rely heavily on gatherings and social proximity – is profoundly affected.
Read moreCAPACOA seeks service providers to undertake exploratory activities for the development of a governance framework for open and shared data in the performing arts as part of the Linked Digital Future initiative.
Read moreAfter three full day workshops in Toronto, Halifax, and Vancouver and a recent presentation at Banff’s Digital Transformation Summit in 2019, CAPACOA’s Linked Digital Future Initiative is generating some buzz. The prime mover behind this initiative: making performing arts events findable and shareable in the AI-powered web. Right now, Siri, Alexa, and other AI-powered recommendation systems are drawing a blank on local performance options.
Read moreEveryone knows Wikipedia, the world’s largest collaborative encyclopedia. However, not everyone is familiar yet with its sister project, Wikidata.
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