
Map of northern Canada with various icons, such as "house", "briefcase" and "heart" icons, over different towns, cities and regions.

Bill C-11 has been on a lot of minds since it passed Parliament and became law last spring. Also called the Online Streaming Act, it promises enhanced discoverability opportunities for Canadian content creators on platforms like YouTube, Spotify and Netflix.

But in order for these platform’s new algorithms to recommend Canadian content, they need to be told which creators are, in fact, Canadian. This is where provenance metadata comes into play.

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Tablet showing a graph of the number and sources of events in Artsdata, beside the LDFI logo and "Annual Report 2022-2023). There are abstract, interlinked diamond shapes in the background.

The Linked Digital Future initiative was launched in 2018 to promote the discoverability of the live performance sector. After just over four years, has this discoverability challenge remained just as critical? Or has increasingly advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) solved the problem for us?

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Over the last year, CAPACOA and Culture Creates collaborated with the Bern University of Applied Sciences to develop a conceptual model for performing arts data. At the same time, Culture Creates was building the knowledge graph, and RIDEAU was rolling out the Scène Pro information system. The former assembles data about performances; the latter gathers data about organizations, venues and performing arts productions. What if the two datasets were interoperable and could exchange data? We tried it out.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the most profound economic, social and human crisis ever experienced in the arts, culture and heritage sector. The performing arts sector – whose modes of production and dissemination rely heavily on gatherings and social proximity – is profoundly affected.

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