Wikidata workshop 5: Edit a person in Wikidata

CAPACOA and CQT's "Everything you always wanted to know about Wikidata in nine workshops" series continues with its fifth chapter! The first four workshops covered all the fundamentals of Wikidata in a show and tell mode. This and subsequent workshops will now take on a participatory approach. Topic: Edit a person in Wikidata Date: Thursday, […]

Coffee chat and chew: Event Plugins, Schema and WordPress

Come share and learn approaches to adding event schema to your WordPress site with Jai Djwa. Jai will informally present his recent research findings further to the testing of nine different WordPress plugins. Share your own thoughts and meet a group of like-minded arts organizations. Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will […]



THE ART OF DATA SHARING: How to increase the value of data through collaboration Join us Wednesday, Nov. 25 at 12 pm EST, to be inspired by successful examples of open and shared data collaboration!  Come learn about the benefits open and shared data can provide for improved discoverability, sales, and marketing through exceptional success […]

Atelier #6 : éditer une entreprise dans Wikidata

La série d'ateliers «Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur Wikidata» de CAPACOA et du CQT se poursuit avec son sixième chapitre! Thème: Éditer une entreprise dans Wikidata Date: mercredi 9 décembre 2020 Heure: 19h00 (HNE) Durée: 90 minutes Animateurs : Simon Villeneuve et Miguel Tremblay Cet atelier pratique s'inscrit dans une série […]

Workshop #6: Edit a business in Wikidata

CAPACOA and CQT's "Everything you always wanted to know about Wikidata in nine workshops" series continues with its sixth chapter! Topic: Edit a business in Wikidata Date: Thursday, December 10, 2020 Time: 12:00 p.m. (EDT) Duration: 90 minutes Facilitators: Simon Villeneuve and Miguel Tremblay This hands-on workshop is part of a series of nine progressive […]

Atelier #7 : éditer un bâtiment et un lieu dans Wikidata

La série d'ateliers «Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur Wikidata» de CAPACOA et du CQT se poursuit avec son septième chapitre! Thème: éditer un bâtiment et un lieu dans Wikidata Date: mercredi 13 janvier 2021 Heure: 19h00 (HNE) Durée: 90 minutes Animateurs : Simon Villeneuve et Miguel Tremblay Cet atelier pratique s'inscrit […]

Workshop #7: Edit a building and a place in Wikidata

CAPACOA and CQT's "Everything you always wanted to know about Wikidata in nine workshops" series continues with its seventh chapter! Topic: Edit a building and a place in Wikidata Date: Thursday, January 14, 2021 Time: 12:00 p.m. (EDT) Duration: 90 minutes Facilitators: Simon Villeneuve and Miguel Tremblay This hands-on workshop is part of a series […]

Online Performances Webinars: Part 1

Zoom - Link will be emailed upon registering.

Online Performances, Part 1: A Short-lived Substitution Activity or a New Business Model for the Performing Arts? Join us Tuesday, January 19, 2021 3:00-4:15 pm EST, to discuss how online performance offerings can be a viable and sustainable mode of dissemination for your organization! When all live events were suddenly interrupted by public health restrictions, […]

Online Performances Webinar: Part 2

Zoom - Link will be emailed upon registering.

Online Performances, Part 2: Providing value for the buck (and making a few bucks in return)  Join us Tuesday, January 26, 2021 3:00-4:15 pm EST When all live events were suddenly interrupted by public health restrictions, the entire business model of the live performance sector fell apart. Many performing arts organizations turned on a dime […]

PAIR-CG User Story Workshop with Daniela Rosu

Zoom - Link will be emailed upon registering.

Workshop with Daniela Rosu (PHD) on collecting effective User Stories for developing digital tools in the performing arts. About In this 1 hour workshop, join Daniela Rosu, an expert in knowledge representation and reasoning, as she guides us through the process of collecting effective User Stories, the basic building block that will form the foundational […]

Atelier #8 : Éditer une production artistique dans Wikidata

Wikidata est une base de connaissances gratuite liée à Wikipédia. C’est un des levier de la découvrabilité car les moteurs de recherche et de recommandation y puisent des réponses aux questions de leurs usagers. Cet atelier pratique s'adresse à un public débutant.