In this 1 hour workshop, join Daniela Rosu, an expert in knowledge representation and reasoning, as she guides us through the process of collecting effective User Stories, the basic building block that will form the foundational layer for the entire information representation standard being developed.
Currently, the group is developing an information representation standard for the performing arts. There are many uses for this, including the potential to impact audience growth by helping to improve the quality of recommendations in online search. Consider, for example, the ability for an audience member to search for an upcoming arts experience by a performance company (E.g. a dance, theatre or opera show) and have relevant and appropriate content returned to the user.
Building software that can solve these challenges about appropriate personalization of search results is possible, but first we must decide on how to represent core concepts in the performing arts in a way that machines can use. To do this, we are calling on domain experts in the performing arts (aka. artists, performers, creators, arts administrators, audiences and cultural organizations) to contribute.
This event is suitable for anyone who is looking to contribute to the PAIR-CG, or who is interested in building a better future for artists and audiences. Participants will walk away from the workshop with a principled approach to gathering User Stories and a template for how they can contribute (either by sharing directly a User Story, or alternatively by gathering a User Story from an artist or audience member).
This work is vital to shaping the future of the information representation standard being developed at the W3C and we encourage all to join us.
Performing Arts Information Representation (PAIR-CG)
PAIR-CG is a group designed to collaboratively create digital infrastructure to support performing arts digital tools. The group meets monthly and is open to all.
Official joining is done via the W3C: https://www.w3.org/community/pair-cg/