Data Literacy


Linked Open Data

  • Linked Open Data – What is it? – A 3-min introductory video by Europeana. It explains the fundamentals of Linked Open Data from the user’s perspective.
  • 5-star open data – A multilingual introductory website. Developed by World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, it offers a step-by-step plan for evolving from the traditional web (based on documents) to the modern web (based on open data).
  • What is linked data? – A video explaining additional concepts, such as machine-readable data, knowledge graphs, URIs.
  • Estermann, B. (2018a). eCH-0205: Linked Open Data. Accessory Document. eCH association, Zurich. – An intermediate-level document developed for the Swiss Linked Data Community, including an overview of present Swiss linked data publication and a series of case studies.


  • Webinar: Discoverability and the Role of Structured Data – Tammy and Caitlin of Culture Creates discussed the impact of AI, the benefits of structured data and the value of building a national knowledge graph for the arts. They also previewed changes in structured metadata to account for new event categories for online live, streaming and other event statuses.
  • The Levers of Discoverability – ARCA and l’AGAVF teamed up to invite Isabelle L’Heureux, the Digital Cultural Development Officer for Conseil québécois des arts médiatiques (CQAM); Regroupement des arts interdisciplinaires du Québec (RAIQ); and Le Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec (RCAAQ) to present six articles on the subject of digital literacy.
  • 5 Steps to Improve Your Digital Presence – LDFI blog post, based on a session from the 2019 CAPACOA conference
  • Traditional Search Engine Optimization Still Matters – This post offers a quick overview of SEO. We want to stress the following: “Each event, product, service requires its own page.” This is extremely important, because it enables Google Search Event Finder and similar discovery tools to provide a “more information” link pointing to your event.
  • Event Structured Data – Learn how to get your event on Google, so it will be easier for people to discover and attend events through Google Search results and other Google products, like Google Maps.

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