
Welcome to the Research area of the Linked Digital Future initiative.
This section details all the research activities – past and present – undertaken as part of the Linked Digital Future initiative.

  • August 2019

    A Linked Digital Future for the Performing Arts - Leveraging Synergies Along the Value Chain

    This research report identifies concrete recommendations for the implementation of shared semantic technologies across the performing arts value chain. The report proposes a vision for a linked open data ecosystem for the performing arts. It also lays the foundation for an RDF-based conceptual model, with the intent of improving data systems interoperability and enhancing the discoverability of the performing arts by consumers.

  • April 2020

    Scène Pro as RDF: Technical Report on the Feasibility of a Semantic Pathway

    Excerpt from the report Culture Creates, in collaboration with RIDEAU and Logient, tested the feasibility of a “semantic pathway” between the Scène Pro platform and the knowledge graph. This prototyping and development project has succeeded in combining Scène Pro data with linked open data from and Wikidata. The interlinking of these complementary datasets and their publication as linked open data could contribute to building better event listings for the public.

    April 2020

  • July 2021

    A Promising Path to Developing Data Governance in the Performing Arts Sector

    Wylie, M., Sculthorp, M, Gagnon-Turcotte, S., and Chatwin, M. (2021). A promising path to developing data governance in the performing arts sector: Exploring charters and principles for data governance. Open North and Canadian Association for the Performing Arts (CAPACOA).The report by Open North and CAPACOA is a culmination of exploratory activities to develop a governance framework for open and shared data in the performing arts. This exploratory research can help to inform organizations and individuals within the sector wishing to advance efforts of sectoral data governance.

  • Ongoing

    Indigenous Data Sovereignty in the Web of Data

    CAPACOA has been exploring how Indigenous knowledge can be adequately and respectfully represented over the Web of data. Most recently, we undertook one-on-one consultations with Indigenous artists to understand what work needs to be done to support respectful representation in Wikidata.
    Find out more


Other Reports

Imagine a linked open data future for the arts.

Take a deep dive into the sample data.

Explore LDF’s linked open data model in an interactive graph. (Best viewed on desktop. Available in English only.)


    Conceptual Model for Linked Data in the Performing Arts

    Proposal v 0.5

    This conceptual model is described in chapter 4 of the Linked Digital Future for the Performing Arts report. Performing arts entities and concepts are organized in three groups of classes and each one is visually represented in a figure.

    Each class in the conceptual model below can be expanded to view properties associated with each one.

    While this conceptual model is based on classic RDF ontologies, it can be implemented both in a graph database or in a tabular/relational database management system.