CAPACOA, LaCogency, the Conseil québécois du théâtre (CQT) and the Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD) invite you to the 2021-2022 Wikidata workshops series.
Topic: The basics
Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Time: 3:30-5:00 p.m. (EDT)
Facilitators: Simon Villeneuve and Miguel Tremblay
This first introductory workshop is intended for a beginner audience. The objective of this first workshop is to help you discover Wikidata: its principles, its features, how to create a user account, how to create a new item, how to add statements. The workshop will involve both demonstrations as well as guided practice in breakout sessions.
The workshop series focuses primarily on the performing arts domain, but most workshop contents are transferable to other domains. All artists, cultural workers and arts enthusiasts are welcome. Registration is required.
This first workshop is happening in conjunction with Building a Digital Arts Nation Conference: What’s Next?, a national event running November 2nd to November 17, 2021.
What is Wikidata?
It’s a free and open knowledge base linked to Wikipedia. Like Wikipedia, Wikidata is also source of information crawled and trusted by search engines. For this reason, Wikidata can be a powerful discoverability tool.
About this workshop series
This workshop series is co-presented by CAPACOA, the Conseil québécois du théâtre, the Regroupement Québécois de la danse and other partner associations, with the support of LaCogency. It is part of the Linked Digital Future Initiative, which is funded by the Government of Canada and the Canada Council for the Arts.